Visiting America Poem by Randy McClave

Visiting America

Come to America if you are white
Be greeted with excitement and delight,
Come and visit our great land
Come see Lady Liberty with the torch in her hand.
Walk around and see and feel America's culture
Then look upon our now dwindling agriculture,
Go to the shops and stores and browse the guns
Then look about and maybe see murderer's sons.
Spend your money when you go out to shop
Excitement here is always nonstop,
There is always somewhere a killing or a shooting
Or a businessman doing a white color looting.
Maybe you'll encounter a polluted water drinking ban
Maybe you'll see our historic Ku Klux Klan,
And if you're called a evil foreigner or even a fag
Remember to salute the confederate flag.
But, if you foolishly come here to seek medical care
I will tell you first you better beware,
You really should stay strong, vigorous and healthy
Healthcare here is truly afforded only by the wealthy.
And if you come with your religion and want to pray
You can do that at any time or on any day,
But, if your religion or belief is not like theirs
Be ready for the hate, the judgements and the stares.
Maybe you'll be able to hear the president give a speech
Maybe you'll read banners and signs that says "IMPEACH! ",
But, this I hope and sincerely and sadly I will pray
If are not white, you better just stay away.

Randy L. McClave

Thursday, August 8, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: america,freedom,racist
I was listening to a woman criticizing a man for not speaking English. She said, "speak America or go back to where you came from", stupid racists.
Julia Luber 08 August 2019

Makes me wonder why the two cases of extreme deportation I have known about from my life have both been of 'white' families- one from a family that saved Jews against the Nazis in Amsterdam, and the other a rock stars' wife back to England. Both contributing money and family values to America. But deported like nothing more than dust in the wind.

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Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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