Untitled Poem by Yolanda Aderele


I imagine his tears taste sweet instead of salty like the sea, not sweet

like candy but sweet nonetheless his caress was like honeysuckle

smells in the Summer time, his embrace was like wind wrapped around

sky scrapers he could reach the pit of me, I mean right down in-to me

like it was nothing. He need not speak, just the thought of him excites

me, but when he does grace my listening with his syntax I relax because
his voice sounds like sunset. His lovemaking astral projected me into

orgasm, his touch felt like Heaven, I almost found my religion...again. He

made me leave myself behind along with every inhibition. My intuition

tells me to run, but my legs dont listen. He is my sun, my moon, I am the

sky he calls home, I am home to him and he is home in me, made for me

fit like a glove, like we were liquid pored into a mold, and mixed, and

mixed into whatever we can become. He is but a man, and so much

more a king reigning down upon all that he commands from within

himself to offer as example to what men should be, can be, he leads. He

can't figure out why I think he's amazing, but if he could see what I see,

thru my eyes as I gaze upon him, he wouldn't have to wonder such

things. He is title, he has status, he matters, maybe not to you, but to

me. To me his fingers can teach my skin a million different languages,

and his kiss cripples me, his mind can conjure ideas so uniquely, I'm

left wondering what is it about me he sees? I wonder if when he sees me

does the sunrise occur in my eyes when he's looking at me? Does he

hang from my every word like a child hangs from monkey bars on the

playground? I wanna discover the parts of his soul unexplored, I wanna

catch his scent on every wind, there's only one other place I can feel the

Earth move underneath my feet and that's when I'm with him...he

became the answer to something. I wanna be some thing, and some one

he's never had, or will ever again. I imagine he sings in colors, that if he

were to ever raise his voice to me it would be in a whisper. Could it be

we have discovered something beyond anything anyone ever felt for another?

After a long sabbatical from writing, I experienced around two weeks of fragments, likened to lyrical labor pains, until one night calmly and on the edge of sleep, it finally was born.
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