Uk Riots Poem by Andrew Vassell

Uk Riots

Look at all the mess we've caused to our country,
look at how the damages has affected each city.
Was this cause from the shooting of a thug, who
was probably out stealing, dealing or doing drugs.
What caused this catastrophe in the capital, with
the looting & burning by criminals. So many
innocent people lost their life's and as young as
11 years old being caught with knife. What the
hell were they doing out of school, roaming the
street and acting like mules? Look at how the police
forces were underman, being outnumbered by 2 to 1.
Why'd this crisis even come to Birmingham, why did
we have to spread it throughout the nation? This bloody
looting then became a rivalry because a community
stood up for their property. Feuds between the blacks
and asians soon began but why did this riot kill three
innocent young men? Let me commend one of the
greatest men, how can you be strong after losing
two sons, how you preach peace through life's worst
diseases. It's only you that could cause our peace,
it's only you that could put this city back at on it's feet.
Big respect to pm, big respect throwing the book
at them. We all knew you weren't even here, probably
laying on the beach lusting sun and beer, looking at half
naked bums, lusting thinking you too want some. It's
good you made it back in time, It's good to see saving
British pride.

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