Trouble Shooting... Poem by Kesav Venkat Easwaran

Trouble Shooting...

Rating: 5.0

You, we, me, in life-
a single entity
Match, pair, couple,
all absurdity
Hands to bear- their own feet
no ambiguity
Heart, deeds, good-
look after worries
Expect not much from
Laugh away life's
all adversaries
a necessity
Absolute in the face
of adversities

14 06 08

Deepti Agarwal 17 June 2008

Hmmmmmm....Interesting! ! ! quite interesting...n the truth too :) liked it...

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Seema Chowdhury 18 June 2008

laugh away all life's.......... wonderful, wonderful words, this is my style of expression i really appreciate this poem and the message you have conveyed through it. well done n take care

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angelianne 1012 18 June 2008

Laugh away life's all adversaries… Equanimity necessity Absolute in adversities… very true...very nicely done..truly deserves a 10/10

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Malini Kadir 19 June 2008

Trouble shooting is absolutely optimistic and sound! good title and superb style in content

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Thad Wilk 23 June 2008

Great advice on handling life's adversities Kesav! Splendid read! ! *10*! ! Best regards, Friend Thad

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Ashraful Musaddeq 22 May 2009

Brilliant short and lovely poem.

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Naidz Ladia 09 January 2009

entity.absurdity equanimity neccssity r tongue twister..tho thz wrds hve different meanings but they r bound in one ''TROUBLE SHOOTING''.. LIFE S REALLY MYSTERIOUS., , , , one left, leaves one....all things has its own ending..while still alive, keep on movin...hpe ths will happen soon dear kesav, , ,

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C T Heart 25 November 2008

the people comprising our very existance in this enchanting world, like pandoras box will reveal who and what we are and will be...a philosopical or rather a psychological point of view from the maestro...such a wonderful advice to cherish. Another food for the thoughts. My highest score goes to you.

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Kesav Easwaran 29 July 2008

not at the practical life we lead, the 'threes' have a lot of relevance...1) me 2) the ones i like 3) the ones i do not like…these three decide my fortunes almost jointly…

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Linda Ori 04 July 2008

Yes - it is expectation from others that messes things up. When we expect we open ourselves up to disappointment. Wise words, but diffifult to live by. It takes much time and effort, and often we forget the simple things - just live in the moment, and be the best person that we can be. Life will fall into place. Wonderful perspective, and worth a 10 from me! Linda :)

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