To You God I Pray Poem by Randy McClave

To You God I Pray

As I clasp my hands together in a prayer
I speak to God who is always there.
I speak to him in a distinct whisper
So, my request to him will be reverent and crisper.

"Lord God, she had done me so extremely wrong
Seems like for so very, very long,
She had cheated and she had also lied
She had taken me for a long painful ride.
When I had told her that she had given me glee
She was then ashamed, and embarrassed of me,
When a man adores, he always does
She didn't care or ever mentioned, who I was.
At me she always uncaringly screamed
Worse than any nightmare ever dreamed,
Other men at her had swore and did curse
Other men hated her, and wished her the worse.
She had said that from her that I had stole
That lie then instantly destroyed my very soul,
When desperately I had sought answers and peace
Against me she swore she would call the police.
When I bought her presents and special gifts
Me buying them for her, she called them all myths,
She always gave someone else the buying credit
My name and our situation, she would always edit.
For her I did everything that I possibly could
Even though many times she didn't treat me good,
I hope that never again she hates or sin
Thank you God for listening to my prayer, Amen."

As I now lay and think in my bed
I still remember her and the past pain and dread,
Though no matter what she might say or do
This I'll say, "I will always pray for you."

Randy L. McClave

Saturday, March 14, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: pray,prayer
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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