To My Birthday Baby Poem by AtreyaSarma Uppaluri

To My Birthday Baby

I lined up in this world years much ahead
So I could be the first to woo and wed
You, my Dream Girl, and to win my trophy
Life long that to relish as a toffee

Glances met, hearts hooked
Plans laid, rendezvous fixed
Sweet nothings exchanged
Hours as seconds engaged

The elements joined forces with a cake walk
Everything, to our luck, fell so well into place
We tied the nuptial knot, and became the hot talk
Of the small sleepy town with its leisurely pace

Your rosy cheeks and spirit lively
Built a cosy hearth warm and snugly
Filling our home with lights and smiles
And spread the joy far beyond miles

We would dream of lovely and loving kids
And our mutual physical chemistry
Proved the formula as of good artistry
Together we shaped bonds of pyramids

Somewhere along the line it turned a tad routine
Then, I did see you wowed by many as a queen

Bouquets aplenty flowed your way:
“Every spring gets older and older
But you turn younger and younger! ”
“You not like a mom any day
But look like your daughter’s sister! ”
To your midlife blues a booster
The twinkle in your eyes so thrilled
Lit up a wink in my eyes fired

So I started to see you in a more colourful light
And I began wooing you again with a passion bright

Heart is greater than mind, I came to know
Sixth sense is sounder than logic, you’d show
Feelings outshine words, hinted you my Love
Looks are far better hooks than books, you’d prove

You’ve made our abode my best ever eatery
A tasty coffee house of unique quality
Taking you for granted, I haven’t on you showered
As many plaudits as you certainly deserved
You know with higher arithmetic I’m unnerved!

“You drooled o’er their dishes and scraps of food
You swooned o’er their balderdash and blabber
Acted out their tales and songs though not good
When did you last sing my paeans, my Lover? ”
Thus you demurred, demanded and challenged

All of them I did praise, but you know well -
Only in mere words glib and quibbling, my Belle
But look, you’ve been my most prized possession
Far beyond the semantic obsession

I delayed a long buying you saris
I delayed taking you to the movies
So I delayed driving you to your friends
Kind, you’ve forgiven me for all these faults

Now in time I’m giving you this lay
Without my bygone wonted delay
How’s this for a lay in our alcove!
Unto me forge and re-forge your love…

[Dec 20,2009: : Lincoln, NE, USA]

AtreyaSarma Uppaluri

AtreyaSarma Uppaluri

Hyderabad, AP, India
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