The World Is Blind! Poem by Augustine Evans Chikuna

The World Is Blind!

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With eyes wide open, the world keeps stumbling and bumbling because it lacks sight.
It keeps deteriorating, disintegrating and downgrading because it has no insight.
It keeps ignoring its disasters and crisis yet they keep increasing, accumulating and amassing.
In its corrupt, rotten and lawlessness ways it keeps rolling, discounting the damage it's raising.
Like a drunk person, her vision is now impaired, her ways are all in disgrace, oh what a disgrace!
Your future is now bleak, gloomy and it threatens the life of everything you embrace.
With most of the life you birthed now extinct, your end is nigh, least you get sight and act!

The world is blind; it sees not the innocent blood shed.
Innocent blood shed on its surface as a result of conflicts, battles and wars.
Wars which are unfairly and unjustly induced by the super powers.
Just so they get whatever they want from other countries.
Wars prompted by leaders who are selfish and selfsame with the devil.
Leaders who keep advocating for civil wars, as all their motives are evil.
The world is blind, because it fails to see and resolve conflicts.
Conflicts that are started and raised because of territorial fights.
Look at how these conflicts have divided Asia because of the China Sea.
Look at the chaos and deaths caused by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Get sight oh world, look at what the humans are doing, please wake up and see.

The world is blind, that's why it serves some of its life unfairly and some, wrongfully.
How can it be called fair when some regions die of poverty, hunger and malnutrition?
While some regions have it all and they keep getting more bountifully.
In Africa, poverty is unending; it keeps haunting and ending lives like there is no solution.
So much African potential and greatness is robed by poverty unduly.
Hunger has found its rooting in Africa, yet in other continents people die of profusion.
Look at the education of the poverty stricken, it keeps dropping in standards drastically.
The shelter they live in is dehumanizing, can't you hear, all they yelp for is better habitation.
As is known, a hungry man is an angry man, so how can you end violence entirely,
When poverty and hunger are a bad combination you propagate to fruition.

Again, I say the world is blind!
It fails to see that its extinction is nigh because of global warming and climate change.
Look at how global change is affecting the physical environment gradually.
Do not ignore how droughts and heat waves are being induced by climate change.
Yet the reduction of ice sheets by climate change will be a reduction of polar bears eventually.
Every race in every region is in danger, due to the drastic negative impacts of climate change.
It is clear in the way that veld fires destroy plantations and animal shelter,
That the earth's existence is now on the edge.
The livelihood and health of your people is now compromised.
With the possibility of floods and hunger due to global warming.
Oh get sight and act or you will perish.

In the end, we should all know that, without humans, the world is just a planet.
It is a world because we live in it.
We are the world.
If we continue to live blindly, we are driving ourselves to extinction.
Lest we get sight and act, we shall surely perish.

Jazib Kamalvi 02 April 2020

Write comment. Such a nice poem, A. E. Read my poem, Love and Iust. Thanks

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