The Struggle Poem by Ed Homer

The Struggle

Diverse animals of nature
Come together in the night
Each vying for attention
Each raising in their height

When one tops the other
The other attempts to cut them down
And so its how it is
Here in my home town

Threats of hatred fly amok
Weaponizing all they see
Stating others are the problem
This seems stupid to me

Pushing here pulling there
The struggle lingers on
While I am at the eye of it
Wondering to fight or run

Not included in their games
With me they only see shame
For I did nothing wrong
Yet I feel their hate the same

Paying forward is the game
Where others lost I am to blame
Even though their past is the same
It never really mattered

Punishment should fit the crime
As long as I am to blame
Let others past be found
Its quickly committed to a grave

I will never back down
I will never give in
For I earned my place in life
So go throw your fit

Lazy freeloaders want it
They want to break the bank
Never having responsibility
Getting near them they stank

Finding where the road leads
I will soon find my way
Never looking back on them
That have gone astray

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