The Samaritan Message Poem by Ontomu William

The Samaritan Message

If you knew who's talking to you
In your heart,
If you knew what kind of Power
You dealing with
If you knew how He speaks-So diverse
If you knew that He's the Son of God
If you knew how He can fill your emptiness
If you knew what His Basket contains
If you knew what He had to offer
For your freedom
If you knew the joy that comes
When you believe!
If you knew that voice which speaks The Truth
That makes you free like Pilate
If you knew the son-ship that comes
If you knew His desire for worship
In truth and in Spirit
If you knew that He has Life
If you knew that though He died
Yet death could not hold Him down
If you knew that He has the Keys to Hades
If you knew that He can cleanse you
All by His Saliva And make you see
If you knew that He is alive
And wants to give you life, abundantly

If you knew that He is Peace
And He wants to give you peace abundantly
If you knew that all the reasoning on your mind
Is just but a distraction to your destiny
Then you would know that now is the time
If you could Listen and discern His voice
Which says on your mind, come, come
Then you would know how much He yearns
And sighs deeply, My child! My child!
Allow me to come in and dine with you
Allow me to break and make you
Into what you were really meant to be
If only you knew that I am the giver
Of the water of life without price
Then you would know that Now is the time
The time to allow me to tell you the Truth
My Love and my Faith shall not waver
I have always waited for you my child
That one day you will turn up by the well
That one day you will come to your senses
And come back to your Father your Maker
If only you could discern and listen
Then I would give you Joy and peace
And teach you true Love and life
Eternal Life

Thursday, July 28, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: religion
The feeling that tells you that you gotta check your life, that is the Holy Spirit Conviction, that Is the voice of God, don't Ignore it.
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