The Other Side Poem by AHO Speaks

The Other Side

They count by members those to save
Yet they know continuity is beyond the grave.

They have used women before even Christ walked the earth
But not once were they blest for their worth.

The other side of humanity and not even a nod
It is hard to accept those words left out by a creator God.

Women significantly yesterday, today and tomorrow
Bias more negative than prejudice but from each they borrow.

One half of humanity most of whom are Mothers
Why do most religious present the image of only the others.

Hierarchy of a religion predominately male members
Yet each one came out of a Mother or don't they remember.

Why does a hierarchy place a son above a Mother?
Who's God said; 'there is only one gender and not the other'.

Every human being but two came from a Mother's womb
The beauiful gift of human creation released from a room.

Some religions blaspheme equal creative gifts
To believe God would only sanction men to be the sex to uplift.

Guess all answers will come out in the living end
This time to hear the voices of women and not just men.

10-12-05 Aho Speaks

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