The Masked Lunatic Poem by Subrata Ray

The Masked Lunatic

Come dear let us talk and play,
Lending no ear to what they say,
We would make the present the rime of the day.

Look at me, ask, what I got in life,
With a love-loran swine eloped the wife,
Should I cry, or another try?

And you who never did marry,
Wear the malty of many a story,
And prove a river to dip a bath!

Oh! No let us go and beguile,
We would not leave any profile,
Let us fuss with wild smiles!

I know you claim no interest,
My allotted time is going to over,
And another client is coming in the gate.

I wanted to unburden my clumsy odds,
For, neither I prayed nor submitted to God,
I was ambitious and a whole-time hoard.

Hey, let me book another night,
I forward a cheque for time-ride,
Tell your Madame, you are well paid.

Ah! Money, I have enough,
But sorry, they prove scorpions in my tub,
Oh! I have no note to play on my broken harp!

Yes, yes I have eaten, lots of yellow -green,
A museum of faces with different screens,
Politicians, film stars, and bottle- teens.

Hi perhaps, you want to ask,
What kind of service I demand from your task,
You may go, I don’t know, I think I am a mask!

Subrata Ray

Subrata Ray

Formerly East Pahistan
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