The Mask Poem by Priyanka Deshpande

The Mask

Rating: 5.0

I wear a mask to hide my tears
I wear a mask to cover my fears
My tears roll down
My throat just moaned
I walk to my work
I walk to breathe
Walking to the washroom
Dabbing some makeup
My mask is ready
My eyes are kohled and steady
I dare not to see my eyes
I dare not to question
Back to my desk
Back to my reflex
I slog
I dodge
I pledge
I veg
Walking back to my world again
Walking to make it better again.

Sunday, June 3, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
" Some of us wear a mask and never show the real us, our pain or sorrow is just within us. Writing down some rough patches.
Hans Vr 21 June 2018

I think it is OK to wear a mask, because not everyone out there deserves to see the real you. As long as we dare to throw it off, when we are alone, and manage to keep seeking inside for the amazing love and kindness planted in our hearts at birth, we will be somehow OK. I like this poem very much. Touching, open and very thought provoking.

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Thank you Hans!

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Rajnish Manga 04 June 2018

A very poignant reflection of one's woes and turmoils which are often kept away from others. Nice poem. My mask is ready I dare not to see my eyes

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Thank you Rajnish.

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Aarzoo Mehek 03 June 2018

We all go through this phase. beautifully described emotions Priyanka. Welcome to PH. Keep sharing.

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Thank you Aarzoo. Glad you liked it.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 03 June 2018

Priyanka, such a great prose poem....10++++

1 0 Reply

Thank you Bernard. Glad you liked it :)

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