The Last Of The Lamentations Poem by Naveed Akram

The Last Of The Lamentations

When we were dry from the ocean's visit and test,
Our struggles within the heart collapsed like a balloon.
The heat of the meanings and teachings was higher,
To lands we wept, to seas we crept, and to skies we died.

When the wetness of water took its attire off, we divided
The parts of our body, we secreted joys and illnesses.
The suffering was exact, and timed to health and order,
Where the wetness strangely wept and lamented forever.

Come here, suffer the worst happiness, and the worst health,
Like a stranger of the healthier crowd, the crowd of righteousness.
We died when pious men died, we suffered our purities but cried,
Let not the strangers of the sky be damned and so fall on us.

We are trained to dive and then swallow food too pure and golden,
We are eagles of the rain and storm, where the golden virtues exalt
The human race as we found the whole world, in its dying, and heat;
The temperature of the stars is ready to boil the ocean of its water.

Monday, April 1, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: lamentation
Naveed Akram

Naveed Akram

London, England
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