The Hobbyhorse Humpbuck Part 3 Pert Pavlovich Ershov Poem by Yuri Starostin

The Hobbyhorse Humpbuck Part 3 Pert Pavlovich Ershov


Before now Makar dug the kitchen garden,
And now Makar land in the governor.

The horses go out the yard;
Here the peasants caught them
Yes stronger tie of.
The raven sits in the oak,
He plays in the pipe;
As plays in the pipe
Laughed the Orthodox christians:
'Hey! Look, honest people!
Once the husband and the wife to be- to live;
The husband will take up for the jokes
And the wife take up for the bywords,
And they will have a feast to go,
That is for the whole world baptized! '

This is saying to lead,
The fairy tale begins after.
Once the fly sings a song
At our gate:
'What will give me for the news?
The mother-in-law beat her daughter-in-law:
Seat her on a perch,
Strapped for the lace,
Pulled stick the arms to the legs
Took the right foot off the shoes:
'Don't go you for the dawns!
Do not to show for the fellows! '
This is to say go,
So and the fairy tale began.

Well, well, so our Ivan goes
For the ring on the ocean.
The humpback flies like the wind.
And to begin on the first night
A hundred thousand miles flow behind
And never no rest.

Approaching the ocean,
The hobbyhorse tells Ivan:
'Well, Ivan, look,
Here we come to the field
In the three minutes —
Directly to the sea-ocean;
The miracle -Yudo Fish-whale
Lies across it;
So he suffers the ten years now,
And doesn't know thus far,
What is to ask a forgiveness by:
He begin to ask you
That you do in the Solntsevo village
To ask him the forgiveness;
You promise to serve
Yeah, look, don't forget! '
Here he enters on the field
Directly to the sea-ocean;
The miracle-Yudo Fish-whale
Lies across it.
All of his side are pitted.
The palings hammered into the ribs,
The rude- finery noise on the tail,
The village stands on the back;
The peasants plow on the lip,
The boys are dancing between the eyes
And the girls looking the mushrooms
In the oak grove, between the mustache.

Here the hobbyhorse runs on the whale
Knocks on the bones by the hoof.
The miracle -Yudo Fish -whale
Says so to the carriage men,
Opening his wide mouth,
Breathing hard, bitter:
'The path- the way, Lords!
Where are you from and where are you go? ' —
'We are the ambassadors from the Tsar maiden,
Both go from the capital, —
The hobbyhorse tells him, —
To the Sun directly to the East
In the gold mansions'. —
' Nor you, native fathers, can
You should to ask the Sun:
Nor long in the disgrace[64] to be me
And for what of the sins
I suffer the troubles -the torments? ' —
'Okay, okay, the Fish-whale! ' —
Our Ivan yells him.
'Be the father is merciful to me!
You see how I suffer, poor man!
The ten years I lie here...
And I will serve to you now! ..' —
The whale implore Ivan
Is groaning bitterly.
'Okay. Okay, the Fish-whale! ' —
Our Ivan yells him.
Then the hobbyhorse hide beneath him
Jumped ashore, and ran:
Only seen like the sand
Curl by the whirl at the feet.

Traveling far, nor near
Riding high, neither low,
And they saw really someone
I don't know anything.
Soon the tale is told,
The deal is creating slowly [65].
Only brother, I found out
That the hobbyhorse ran in there,
There (I heard aside)
The sky converges with the ground
There the peasant women spun the flax,
Put the spinning wheels on the sky.

Here Ivan farewell the land
And fare in the sky,
And travelled, like the Prince,
The hat to the side, cheer up.
'What of the miracle! What of the miracle!
Our Kingdom is though beautiful, —
Ivan says to the hobbyhorse
Amid the azure field, —
But if compare with the sky,
So will not suit under the insole.
What for the earth! Sure she is
And black, and dirty;
Here the land is blue, —
And what of the light kind for! ..
Look, humpback,
See, over there, on the East,
Like the dawn lightning...
Feal, the celestial parlor...
Something was too high! ' —
So Ivan asked the hobbyhorse.
'This is the Terem of the tsar-maiden,
Of our future Queen, —
The humpback screams him —
Here the Sun is sleeping in the night,
And sometimes
The month enter for a peace in the midday '.

Come in up; the crystal arch of the pillar
Posts at the gate:
All of those pillars curl are
Sly in the gold snake;
The three stars are on the tops,
The gardens are around the Palace;
The Paradise birds live
In the gilded cells
On the silver branches there,
Sing the Royal songs.
But the tower with the towers
Like the town with the villages;
And the russian Orthodox cross-
Is on the tower of the stars.

Here the hobbyhorse enters in the yard;
Our Ivan dismount from him,
Goes in the tower to Month
And leads that speech:
'Hello, Month Month!
I am- Ivan Petrovic,
I am from the far sides
And brought to you the bow'. —
'Sit down, Ivanushka Petrovich! —
Said Month Month. —
And tell me the blame
Of your advent from the land
In our bright country;
From what of the people you are
How you got into this land —
All tell me do not conceal'. —
'I came from the earth land,
From the Christian country
Ivan says, sitting down, —
Crossed the ocean
With the errand from the Queen
In the bright tower to worship
And say that's it, wait!
'You tell to my native mother:
Her daughter wants to know,
What is she hiding
The three nights, the three days
A somewhat face from me;
And why did my red brother
Wrapped in the rainy darkness
And do not send in the misty heights
The ray to me? '

Is to seem so? The mistress
Is the Queen to say red;
I do not remember all full,
That she told me.' —
'And what of is the Queen? '
'You know, tsar-maiden'. —
'Tsar-maiden? .. So is she
What is neither, you take away? ' —
Cried Month Month.
And Ivan Petrovic
Said, 'To know, do by me!
You see, I'm Royal Breeder;
So the king sent me,
That I brought her
In the three weeks in the Palace;
And otherwise my father
Threatened to seat me on the pole'.
The month cried on the joy,
Go hug Ivan,
Kiss and give a pardon.
'Oh, Ivan Petrovic! —
Month Month said. —
You have brought such news
I don't know what is to count!
And as we grieved,
That lost the Princess! ..
Because, see, I went
In the three nights, in the three days
In the dark cloud,
Still was sad, Yes, sad,
Did not sleep the three days,
Did not take a bread crumbs,
Therefore my son is red
Wrapped in the rainy darkness,
Repaid your hot ray,
Did not shine the myrrh of God:
Still he were sad, you see, on the sister,
Nor he have on the red Tsar- maiden.

What is, is she healthy?
Neither she is sad, nor she is sick? ' —
'The girl seem pretty by all
Yes, she has a tabes, seem:
Well, like a match, listen, fine,
Feal in a circumference of a three inches;
Here as she will be ready get married,
So I suppose and she will be fat:
The tsar, listen, marry her.'
Month cried out: 'Oh, villain!
Try in the seventy years to marry
On the young girl!
Yes, I stand firmly in that —
He will sit for the groom!
You see that the old horseradish ventured:
He wants to reap where he did not sow!
Full about, a varnish he became painful! '
Then Ivan said again:
'There's the petition to you more
Something about the whale forgiveness...
There is, you see, the sea; the miracle -whale
Lies across it:
All of his side pitted,
The palings are hammered into the ribs...
He, poor man, was plead me[66],
So now I have ask you:
How long time the torment will end?
What is to find him the forgiveness?
And on what he is lay here? '
Clear Month said:
'He bears the torment for that,
That he has not a God's decrees
Swallowed among the seas
The three decade of the ships.
If he gives them a freedom
God will remove his adversity.
Suddenly will heal all wounds,
Award by the long century '.

Here Ivan stand up,
Farewell the light Month
Hug the tight neck,
Kissed three times on the cheek
'Well, Ivanushka Petrovich! —
Month Month said. —
Thank you
For the son and for me.
Report the blessing
To our daughter to the solace
And tell to my native one:
'Your mother is always with you;
To cry and to whip is full:
Soon your sadness will be solved —
And is not old, with a beard,
But the handsome fellow
Will lead you to the naloy.'
Well, good-bye! God with you! '
Bowing as he could,
Then Ivan sat down on the hobbyhorse,
Whistled like a noble knight,
And going on the back way.

Again our Ivan came
To the ocean on the next day.
Here the hobbyhorse runs on the whale,
Knocks by the hoof on the bones.
The miracle -Yudo Fish- whale
So, sighing, said:
'What is, fathers, my petition?
When has l get the forgiveness? ' —
'Wait, you Fish- whale! ' —
Here the hobbyhorse yells him.

Here he run in the village,
Convoke the peasants to him,
Shaking by the black mane
And lead this speech:
'Hey, listen, laity,
Orthodox Christians!
If anyone of you do not want
To sit to the nix in the order,
Then get out of here in a moment.
Here at once a miracle will happen:
The sea will very boiled,
The Fish-whale will turn...'
Here the peasants and the laymen,
The orthodox Christians
Shouted: 'To be the troubles.'
And they went home.
Collected all carts;
They hastened to lay there
That have all of the belly
And left the whale.
The morning meet the noon
And no of a single alive soul
To left in the village really,
Like Mamay go by the war!

Here the hobbyhorse runs into the tail,
Lying close to the feathers
And to have that of a power shouts:
'Miracle- Yudo Fish- whale!
Therefore your suffering is in
That having not a God's decrees
You swallowed among the seas
The three decade of the ships.
If you give them a freedom
Then God unhang the adversity from you,
Will heal all wounds instant,
Reward by the long century '.
And ending such speech
He bit the steel bridle
Have heave - and quick
Jump on a distant shore.

The miracle -whale stirred up,
Like a hill turned on,
Began to worry the sea
To drop from the jaws
The ships for the ships
With the sailors and the rowers.
Here such noise go on,
That the king of the sea woke up
The people were fired in the copper cannon,
Blew in the forget pipe;
The white sail soar up,
The flag flap on the mast;
The pop and all of official pritchet
Sang the prayers on the deck;
And the fun series of the rowers
Gong the song to encourage:
'Thus the ships run out
For the sea, by the sea,
On the wide expanse,
That is to the edge of the land...'

The waves of the sea wreath,
The ships from the eyes hide out.
The miracle- Yudo Fish-whale
Yells by the loud voice,
Opening his wide mouth,
Breaking the waves by the reach:
'What is to you, my friend, to serve?
What is to award for to serve?
Either you need the flowery sinks?
Nor you need the golden fishes?
Neither you need a big pearls?
To get all to you I am ready! ' —
'No, whale-fish, to reward
Anything of that we have not need, —
Ivan says to him, —
Better get the ring to us —
The finger ring, you know, of the Tsar -maiden,
Of our future Queen.' —
'Okay, okay! Get for the boyfriend
And the earring from the ear.
I shall find till the sunrise
The finger ring of Tsar- maiden, ' -
The whale answered to Ivan
And fell on the bottom, as a key.

Here he hits by the reach,
Calling by the loud voice
All of the sturgeon people
And lead such speech:
'You get to the lightining
The figer ring of the red Tsar maiden,
Hidden in the box in the bottom.
Who will deliver it to me
I will be awarded by the rank:
Will the duma nobleman.
If my clever orders
You do not comply... I do you! ..'
Sturgeons here bowed
And left away in the row.

The two white sturgeons
Slowly swam to the whale
In a few hours
And meekly said:
'Great king! No wrath!
We are so all of the sea, I think,
Attend about and dug up,
But a sign is not opened.
Only Ruff alone of us
Would able to decide your order:
He walks on all of the seas,
So, right, knows the finger ring;
But, as to spite,
So somewhere he float away'.
'To find him in a minute
And send to my cabin! ' —
Angrily the whale shouted
And sway the mustaches on.

The sturgeons here bowed,
Running in district court up
And ordered at that time
To write the decree from the whale
That sent quick the messengers
And caught that Ruff.
The bream, hearing this order,
Wrote the nominal decree;
The sheatfish (the advisor he was called)
Signed under a decree;

The black cancer folded the decree
And attached the stamp.
Here they have called the two dolphins
And giving the decree said,
So that, in the name of the king,
They ran all the seas
And found that Ruff-reveler,
Wrangler and bully,
Wherever it was,
Lead to the emperor.
Here the dolphins bowed
And go to find the Ruff.

Looking on an hour they were in the seas,
Looking on an hour they were in the rivers,
Proceeded all lakes,
Crossed all of the straits,
Could not find the Ruff
And returned back,
Almost weeping on the sorrow...

Suddenly the dolphins heard,
Somewhere in the small pond
The unheard shout in the water.
The dolphins turn in the pond
And plunged to the bottom of it -
Look: in the pond, under the reeds,
The Ruff fights with the Crucian.
'Attention! The devils take you would!
You see, have raised an what uproar,
Like the important fighters '! -
The messengers cried to them.
'Well, and what care you have? -
The Ruff screams to the Dolphins safely. -
I do not like to make jokes,
At once I prick all together! '-
'Oh you eternal playboy,
And loudmouth and bully!
Still would, shlock, you walk,
Still would have to fight and to yell.
At homes - is not in fact, can not to sit..!
Well, what is to dress up with you -
Here the Tsar decree to you
That you swim to him at once. '

Here the dolphins have the mischievous
Pick up for the bristles
And went back.
Ruff well to break away and to shout:
'Be merciful, brothers!
Admit a little to fight.
Accursed the Crusian has
Blasphemed me yesterday
At the honest all assembly
By the dissimilar different abuse... '
Long Ruff more shouting,
Finally, and has silent;
And the dolphins get the mischievous
Still dragged behind the bristle
Have not saying anything,
And they appeared before the king.

'What you do not come for a long time?
Where are you, enemy's son, wandered '? -
Whale screamed with the rage.
Ruff fall down on the knee,
And he confessed in the crime,
He prayed for a forgiveness.
'Well, God will forgive you! -
The sovereign whale says. -
But to you get the forgiveness
You kept the commandment. '
'Glad to, Wonder- whale! ' -
Ruff beeps on knees.
'You have all of the seas for a walk,
So it is true, you know the finger ring
Of the Tsar Maiden? '-' Whence no to know!
We can find at once. ' -
'So go as soon as possible
Yes search it more live! '

Here, giving the nod to the king,
Ruff went, bent, out.
Scolded with the royal court men,
For the roach povolochilsya
And having drag to the six salakas
He broke the nose on the way.
Having made such deal
He ride boldly in the maelstrom
And dug the box at the bottom
In the underwater depths-
At least a hundred poods.
'Oh, here the deal is not easy! '
And let all of the Seas
Ruff call to him the herrings.

The herrings gathered the spirit,
Having take to drag the trunk,
Just heard and all -
'Oo-oo-oo! ' And 'Oh-oh! '.
But no matter how much to shout,
Just they tore the bellies,
But the cursed chest
Was not give up and on an inch.
'Really herrings!
You would get a whip instead a vodka! '-
Ruff shouted from all heart
And he dived for a sturgeons.

Now the sturgeons come
And have not cry to rise
The red box with the finger ring
Bogged down firmly in the sand.
'Well, gays, look,
You now swim to the king,
Well I will go now to the bottom
Yes, have a little rest:
Something the sleep overcomes,
So that closes the eyes...'
The sturgeons swim to the king
Ruff-playboy go right in the pond
(the dolphins dragged him
For the bristles there out) .
Feel, fight with Crucian shut, —
I don't know about that.
But now we say goodbye
And return to Ivan.

The sea-ocean is quiet.
Ivan sits on the sand,
Waiting for Whale from the blue sea
And purrs in the grief;
Felling on the sand,
Faithful Humpback sleep,
The time drawing to the evening;
That's really the sun descend down;
Burning by the quiet fire,
The dawn unwrap for.
And there was not the whale.
'That crush to you, thief, out!
You see, what of the sea devil! —
Ivan says himself. —
Promised to lightning
To bring the ring of Tsar-maiden,
And hitherto have not find,
Wretched scoffer!
And now the sun set down
And...' Here the sea began to boil:
The miracle-whale come
And says to Ivan:
'I fulfilled the promise
For your blessing.'
Getting this words the trunk
blurted out firmly on the sand,
Only the shore sway on.
'Well, now I am quits.
If again to need [67] I am,
Call me again;
Your goodness
Is not to forget me... bye! '
Here Whale-miracle mute out
And, clasping on[68], fell on the bottom.

The Humpbacked-horse woke up
Stand on the paws, fling off,
Looked on Ivanushka
And jumped four times.
'Heigh, Whale Whale! Nice!
Properly fulfilled his duty!
Well, thank you, Fish-whale! —
Humpback-horse screams. —
Well, master, get dressed,
Go in the path-way;
The three days already passed after all:
Tomorrow urgent number[69],
Feel, the old man really dies.'
Here Vanya says:
'I would glad by a joy to raise;
But to loan have not the strength!
The chest is dense to hurt
Feel, cursed Whale seat
A devils of the five hundred ones.
I pick up a three times:
The severity is so terrible! '
Here the whale no answering
Lift the box by the foot up,
As a same stone-let
And he waved to his neck.
'Well, Ivan, sit down quickly!
Remember, tomorrow the temp pass,
And the return road is long.'

The fourth day begun to dawn,
Our Ivan is yet in the capital.
The king from the porch runs to him, —
'Well is the ring mine? ' - yelling.
Here Ivan dismount from Hobby-horse
And says most important:
'Here's and the trunk to you!
Yes, order to me to call the regiment:
The chest is though small to see,
And will crush the devil '.
The king immediately called the archers
And no to hesitate ordered
Bring the trunk in the parlor.
He is went for the Tsar maiden.
'The finger ring of you, soul, found, —
The sweet voice he roar, —
And now, to speak again
No a hurdle anymore
Tomorrow morning, my shine,
To marry me with you.
But do you want, friend,
To see your finger ring?
It lies in my Palace.'
Tsar-maiden says:
'I know, I know! But, to confess,
We can't get married yet'. —
'Why, my Shine?
I love you by the soul
You forgive me my boldness,
To fear I wanted to marry.
If you do... then I will die
Tomorrow already from the grief in the morning.
Have pity, mother Queen! '
The girl tells him:
'But look, you are hoar;
I am only the fifteen years:
How can we get married?
All of the kings will begun to laugh,
Grandfather, say, take to the grandson! '
The king shouted with the anger:
'Let's only to laugh —
I have just rolled:
Their kingdoms I will capture! [70]
Their entire race I uproot! ' —
'Let do not become and to laugh
Still no able for us to get married. —
A flowers do not grow in the winter:
I am beautiful, and are you? ..
What you can boast is? ' —
The girl tells him.

'Though I am old, Yes I am smash! —
The king answered to the Queen. —
As a little to clean up,
So I like to any of anyone
A daring fellow.
Well, what we need in it?
Only we would get married.'
The girl tells him:
'And that need in it,
That I will married never
For the fool, hoar gray,
The toothless that one! '
The king scratched in the nap
And, frown, said:
'Well what I should do, Queen?
The fear so I want to marry.
You're exactly on the trouble:
I will not married yes I do not married! ' —
'I will not marries for the gray man, —
Tsar-maiden says again. —
Be, as before, the dare fellow, —
I am immediately under the crown.' —
'Remember, mother Queen,
After all, can not be reborn;
The miracle only God create.'
The tsar-maiden says:
'If yourself you will not regret
Again you will be younger.
Listen: tomorrow at the dawn
On wide of the yard
The servants you should order
To stand the three large boiler
And to fold the fires under its.
Should to pour the first one
To the brim by the icy water,
And the second one by the boiled water,
And the last one by the milk,
Boiled this by the key.
Here, if you want to marry
And to mend the handsome man —
You without the dress, light,
Bathe in the milk;
Here be in the water boiled,
And then farther be in the cold water.
And I'll tell you, father,
You will the noble fellow! '

The king didn't utter the words,
Clicked immediately the stremenoy.
'What is, again, on the ocean? —
Ivan said to the king. —
No, yet pipes, your grace!
Yet and then all hitched in me.
I do not going for anything! ' —
'No, Ivan, no that
Tomorrow I want order
To supply the boilers in the court
And to pile up the fires under its.
The first one I think to pour
To the brim by the icy water,
And the second one - by the boil water,
And the last one - by the milk,
Boiled its as the spring.
You should try
For a samples to bathe
In these three large boilers,
In the milk and two waters.' —
'You see whence to arrive from! —
Ivan then begins the speech. —
To scald only a piglets
Yes a turkeys, but a chickens;
I am, look, not a piglet
Not a turkey, not a chicken
Here so that would be possible
To bathe in the cold one,
And to boil up as you will do,
So me and no entice.
Full, king, to cheat- to do wise
Yes, to held Ivan! '
King do, shivered by the beard:
'What is? Dress me up with you? —
He cried. - But look!
If you're in the dawn of the dawn
Will not execute the command —
I will give you in the torment,
Ordered to torture you,
To break on the pieces.
Get out of here, evil illness! '
Here Ivan, sobbing,
Trudged to the barn,
Where his hobby-horse lay.

'What, Ivan, to be not cheerless?
What to have hung the head so low? —
The hobby-horse tells him. —
Feel, our old groom- boy
Again threw the ploy up? '
Ivan fell to the hobby-horse on the neck,
Hugged and kissed.
'Oh, the trouble, hobby-horse! -he said. —
The king completely sells me;
Think you about, oblige me
To bathe in boilers,
In the milk and in the two waters:
So the one water is icy,
And the another water is boiled,
The milk, hey, is boiling'.
The hobby-horse tells him:
'That's really a service so the service!
Here my all friendship is necessary.
How is no to say to the word:
It would be better for us no to take the pen;
From him, from the villain,
So much trouble on your neck...
Well, do not cry, God be with you!
We will cope the trouble somehow.
And rather I will disappear[71],
Than I leaves you, Ivan.
Listen, when you undress tomorrow
At the dawn in those times
In the yard, as you should,
You say to the king: 'Can you neither,
Your grace, order to send me
The humpback
That last time to farewell him'.
The king agrees to it.
When as I wave by the tail,
Dip by the face in those boilers,
Sprinkle on you two times,
Will give the loud whistle,
You see, don't yawn:
Dive in the milk firstly,
Here in the pot of the water boiled,
And there in the icy water.
And now pray
Yes, quietly lie down to sleep'.

The ridge woke Ivan up
On the next day, early in the morning:
'Hey, boss, full to sleep!
The time is to perform the service '.
Here Vanyusha scratched his head,
Stretched and standing up,
Prayed on the fence
And went to the king in the yard.

There the boilers boiling afore;
The coachmen and the cooks
And the servants of the yard
Sat in a row for its;
Added the wood diligently,
Talked about Ivan
Secretly among themselves
And laughed by the times.
Here the door was opened,
The king with the queen appeared
And we are ready from the porch
Look to the dare man.
'Well, Vanya, pull your clothes off
And bathe in the boilers, brother! ' —
Tsar screamed to Ivan.
Here Ivan pull the clothes off,
No reply nothing.
And the young Queen,
To do not see the nakedness,
Wrap in the veil[72].
Here Ivan go up to the boilers,
He looked at its- and itched.
'What is now you, Vanya, stand? —
The king cried him again. —
Do it, brother, that should do! '
Ivan says: 'Either able not,
Your grace, order
To send the humpback to me?
Last time I would farewell him '.
The king, think on, agreed
And deigned order
To send the humpback for him.
Then the servant leads the hobbyhorse
Then he moves aside.

Here the hobbyhorse waved by the tail,
Dipped the muzzle in those boilers,
Sprinkled twice on Ivan,
Gave a whistle by a loud whistle,
Ivan is looked on the hobbyhorse
And do dived in the boiler immediately
There do in another, there do in a third one too,
And so he became handsome,
That no any tale to tell
No any pen to write!
Here he dressed up in the dress
Bowed to the tsar- maiden,
I looked around, invigorated,
With the important image, like a Prince.

So a miracle! - everyone was shouting. —
We had heard never,
That can[73] to be beautiful! '

The king commanded to undress himself,
Crossed oneself two times, —
Booh in the pot - and there welded!
Tsar-maiden stand up here,
Show the sign to the silence,
Lifts up the cover
And will to the servants:
'The king ordered you to live long!
I want to be the Queen.
Pleasant l am? Reply!
If I am pleasant, then admit
The possessor of all
And my husband! '
Here the Queen paused,
Showed on Ivan.

'Luba, Luba! - all shout. —
For you even in a hell!
For your Talan[74]
We recognize Tsar Ivan! '

The king takes a Queen here,
Lead in the Church of God,
And he with the young bride
Goes around naloy.

The guns firing from the fortress;
Trumpeting in the forged pipe;
Still open the cellars
Put up the barrels of the fryagsky[75]
And, drunk, a people
Tear up, that have a power:
'Hello, Our king with the Queen!
With the beautiful tsar-maiden! '

The feast is a mountain in the Palace:
A wines poured there by the river;
The boyars with the princes drink
For the oak tables,
Pleasure to the heart! I was there
Drinking the honey, the wine and the beer;
And to fled on the mustache at least,
No a drop to get in the mouth.

Sogladat - to look up.
Penyat - to rebuke, to reproach.
Lubri - here: the splints is the brightly colored pictures.
Malachay - here: a long, wide garment without a belt.
Ochyu - by the eyes.
Plastju -by the layer.
Balagan- here: a Farce, a shed.
Rovno -Exactly like.
Jomy- vise, press.
Sedmitsa - week.
Buyerak - small gully.
Ne klepi -do not blame in vain, not slander.
Nastigu - to overtake, catch up.
Zagreby - handful palm.
Peretsya - to argue, to deny.
Jivot - here: a property, a good.
Nemojet - sick; sickness - be ill.
Estnoe - food to eat.
Kurevo, Smokes - here: fire, burn.
Kto-pety, who is -to sing - here: who is of.
Stanichnik, villagers - here: the robbers.
Goorodnichiy, the mayor - the chief of the town in the old days - mayor nowaday.
Gosty, Guest - the ancient name of the merchant, dealer.
Davej- crush.
Streltsy, The archers - the ancient army.
Krasno platye, red dress - elegant, beautiful dress.
V prikaz otdayu, In order to give - give under the supervision.
Postuchat endovoy, Tapped by the valley - drinking. Flagon - a vessel for a wine.
Sosedka - house brownie (Siberian name) .
Uchinitsya - do inflict.
Spalnik, sleeping boss - royal servant.
Shkolit, School - to teach.
Syta, Fed - water, sweetened by the honey.
Pritcha, parable - here: a strange thing, a strange case.
Pulyu slit, Bullet drain - lied, let a false rumor.
Basurmanin - a foreigner, a man of other faith.
Chernoknijnik - warlock.
Soucek - a fenced space for a storage of a oats or other grains.
Razhy - healthy, prominent, strong.
Prozument (pozument) - the gold or the silver braid, which sewed
on the clothing for a decoration.
Glazey - a man to spy on someone.
Zoritsya, zazoritsya - dawn, dawn.
Taloviy - willow.
Vdrugoryad - another time, again.
Chelyad - servants.
Azhno - really.
Ostrog - prison.
Shabalki - Sabbath, end.
Vina, quilty - here: the reason.
Ryaditsa, dress up - to trade, to contend, to negotiate.
Dryagnul plyasovaya -go danced, dance up.
Pereimat - catch on, overfishing.
Pochivalnya, opochivalnya, bedchamber - a bedroom.
The whole yard - all surround men of the king, the courtiers.
Reshetochny, lattice man - fire man (the old name)
Stremyannoy -the servant caring for the ride horse of the lord.
Eruslan - one of the heroes of Russian fairy tales, the mighty warrior.
Nemsky country - the victuals country.
Sirech, that is to say - that is, exactly.
Shirinka, Pants - broad, full-width fabric, towel.
Uzrel - saw; uzret - to see.
Balyasy - the empty talk, the chatter.
Lik, Face - the face.
Opala - the king disgrace, the punishment.
Meshkotno - slowly.
Proschal - asked.
Prinuzhus - I need to you.
Ples - the fishtail.
Srochnoe, the term number - the term.
Polonit - the capture.
Sginut -to perish.
Fata - the feminine veil of the light fabric.
Lzya - possible.
Talan - the happiness, the good luck.
The barrels of fryazhsky - the casks of the overseas wine.

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