The Fish Out Of Sea Poem by Adeosun Olamide

The Fish Out Of Sea

There a warning about shores
Where we fingerlings told not near
We could swim deep thru sea
Up, down, here- here without fear-
But shores there we were told
-Should shun and avoid
There rose query in heart mine
That touching shores seems sate
One neglected- discomfort forth
Seeking what monster shores dwelt
And without sight seek within peace lost-
So sun does sleep when tripped there
Lured to- to see end, end seas,
And what world out here held-
By, I approach shore disquiet nerves
From sea, a distance near
Peered I what dwelled there
And noticed naught- my nerve did calm
But as soothe at shores seen
Dwelling on in wonders art-
For no monster dost bide here
And be perfect play area- fingerlings
As, a tempest hailed that threw out-
In tide rowed, rolled me from- in sudden
That upon sand found now self-
For lost swift tides that ran back sea-
I left here- where water dearth
Effort dragged each coming fail
Paddled fin but remained still-
Came pound on in fearing heart
As though life slipped from- felt
Like flower without earth
Tale rose on seas now crossed-
Rose- day fore bloomed in grace
And morrow withered shape
Heard- lost earth demise due
And like be- a fish, a fish out sea
To swim in sands now drowned
For water without I cease live
As, pounding on my heart does-
Due feel life slipping from grasped
A fish out water –be deaths meal
Yet looking up skies I hoped on-
Hoping some rain pities me
I dig earth on in waters seek
My breathings wearing off came
And like flower without earth
My heart leaped in tongue-
But just by at moment passed
When life goes at last breathe gave
The clouds sudden about turn-
And woke storm my bringer home-
Brought the tides to the shores
That dwelt me back my sea-
Verve gone quickly- came alive slowly
Now a fish in water again-
I swam swift to the deep-
Seeking home, seeking well
There- sneaked up in warm bed mine
With scars lessons somewhat here-
To live in fear ever on of shores
And above to live in pride ever on of act
For was knowledge, praise latter art-
That had now- above made, courageous most
So daily- I be besought-, named favor gods
The fish that defeated shores-
I keep, that in queries- riches lay
Be bliss but scars too like hidden here

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