The Eternal Vacation Poem by Anupama Anpat

The Eternal Vacation

A group of friends took a vacation,
it was time of the year when
all had time off their vocation.

The excitement was high
all packed and ready to go,
they waved their goodbyes.

They were booked in an old fort,
on a hill it stood alone,
long way off the town road.

It looked almost formidable,
a dominating structure that
possessed a chilling fable.

The friends were an adventurous bunch,
they sought thrill and a rush,
the kind who lived on their hunch.

They made way to the entrance,
it told stories of it’s pompous past,
moving them into a state of trance.

They stood in the room alone,
the wind blew out the candle
sending a chill down their bone.

Before they could make any sense,
a phantom appeared unto them,
they froze on the spot, completely tense.

'For tormenting years and eon,
I have lived alone amongst these walls,
now you shall be my companion, anon.'

The doors closed behind them,
blocking away the only light
that entered through the window stem.

That was their last sight,
they left the motal world behind,
engulfed in the endless night.

Sometimes people told their tale,
from the fort on the hill,
they could hear distant wails.

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