The Dance Of The Dragon And The Phoenix Poem by Anki Zakher

The Dance Of The Dragon And The Phoenix

Once long ago in a land far far away a dragon lived

On a mountain peak high above the river blue

Underneath father sky watching at his crown of stars.

He had scales of pure white with eyes like the moon.

His name was water, gentle and healing.

His heart was intuition and his blood was art.

Though lonely he was inside his perfect world

Where all was harmonious and orderly.

Where all happened as it should and time floated like an ocean.

Everything was just where it belonged.

The trees at the right spot and the wings swayed as they should.

Thoughts mastered, feelings managed.

Such boredom this world of perfection.

Nothing ever happened to awaken his curiosity

Nothing changed nothing danced.

All was frozen still, unmoving and perfect.

One day he sighed out so loud that fire came out if his nostrils.

Out of this fire a bird was born, a phoenix.

With wings golden as the sun, body and tale green as the earth.

Eyes yellow as its soul was during night time.

It shined like the father above, it nurtured like her mother below.

Born from the fire breath, child of the sun and the earth.

Her name was fire and she danced around the lonely dragon.

Her song more beautiful than the songs of Orpheus,

Only to be heard by the ears within the heart

For it only spoke without words and sang without sounds.

They danced high above the clouds and low beneath the mountains

Until they were one and the same

Faster and faster they spiraled in this dance of madness

On fire they ignited, flames of liquid motion.

From the ash an egg was born, strong like fire yet gentle like water

Hard shell and soft inside, strong intuition yet direct action.

The egg hatched under a tree with all the elders of the above watching.

A new creature emerged into the world from the dance of these two.

Both of them as one existing in it, yet it was independent from them both.

You shall be called human, the elders on the clouds told him.

You shall care for all the earth, the animals and the plants.

No harm shall come upon them as long as you walk this earth

For you are the guardian of this garden of life and as one you shall flourish.

Young you are much you have to learn, many mistakes you will make.

Worry not in not one moment during your life you will be alone.

And if you don't know anymore and forgot who you are.

Just look around you, see the world you are in and you will remember.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: dance,dragon
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