The Broken Record Of Life Poem by Mary Katherine

The Broken Record Of Life

Why is it that history never repeats itself
In the way that we want it to?
I mean,
Smokers always go back to smoking
Broken hearts always return to the source
Hell if you wanna meet your demise,
Invade Russia
Cause no one ever succeeds there.
Why is it always negative?
Why can't I find five dollars
And then find another five dollars?
No one dies in a car accident
And wait for it
People survive more car accidents.

We spend our lives
With the idea that every day is new
But maybe we are just living
In an iPod set on shuffle.
A set number of events that after awhile
Are bound to occur again because your life can only hold 16 gigabytes
And just to ice this inevitable cake
There ain't no USB cable to upload any new ending because that would be too easy.

So watch before your eyes
As the damsel returns to distress
The villain commits another crime
And some midget fails in his invasion of Russia
Because its bound to happen

Why is it that history never repeats itself
In the way we want it to?

Monday, August 11, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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