The Broken-Hearted Drummer Boy Poem by wild fire

The Broken-Hearted Drummer Boy

He cried last night,
I wasnt with him but I knew
I laid in my bed listening to his tears
and his sobs as he laid awake also

I went to school, to see this freshman
one I hardly spoke to but knew well
for his girlfriend was one of my friends
but he ended their relationship last night

I went to school and tho I did not inquire why
he sadly looked at me and I knew what he wanted
he pushed everyone away with all their questions
and he twisted and turned in his seat crying silent tears

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him
he squirmed and fought but eventually relaxed
'It's gonna be alright' I said, as I smoothed his short hair

He was so helpless and I wanted to see his smile again
I wanted to make our jokes again my little friend seemed dead
He cried and I glared at the ones who stopped and stared
and she stopped and snorted his way.... she's a little rich bitch

I held him close and watched him cry, not one of his immediate
friends, and have no idea why my attempts were allowed
He smiled a small smile as band practice began wiping up tears
and I nodded, I wouldnt tell a soul about this and he was thankful

I watched him be strong as he put on the harness for his heavy drum
and I grabbed my flute as I followed him out the door
I saw the pain in his eyes as she smiled with her friends and she loved
the silent torment and it really angered me

After practice he put away his drum and when everyone was gone
he sat down to cry... He was startled when I walked in to put my instrument away... Once again I held him close and kissed his forehead
as he talked of love and after 2 years it all fell apart

Today was his funeral the poor poor boy
he couldnt go on without her and she shows no remorse for shattering
his heart... I cried for him and visions of homecoming danced through my head... he was so happy then and his smile lit the whole room
the little drummer boy was dead and I wanted nothing more but to kill her

but I turned and walked away, knowing that guilt would eat her alive and his justice would be served

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