The Autumn Night Poem by Jayeeta Bhattacharya

The Autumn Night

Now in this cool air of autumn
I thought of far away things
I tread over the grass, silent.
The fall of the dew are melodious,
of midnight, called me to the meadows- -
I stumble over the yellow leaves
The fragrance- -
Singing sweetest lullabies
I forgot the cacophony of the bustled days
They seem in the mist

The darkness, the stars
behold long past sorrows
Each and every grief.

In this autumn night
I could feel an angel's tear on those leaves
The Cold kisses of air
Caressing my face,
I indulge into
the nostalgia, merry moments.

Deciduous trees lingering to shed their leaves
I tremble
I shiver
As I face myself in the solitude of night.

A face old with the burden of memories
A soul as fresh as a kid
I chose to live an amphibian life.
True to my words
In the autumn night,
The moon lone as me.
I smell the ripe fruit
I witness the night with inner eyes.
I felt a shadow following me- -
He who had been my mentor
He who gave me eyes to devour the beauty of the globe
He who gave me courage to live
My heart aches to see you Lord!
Once and just once in my life
I want to embrace you my Lord.
And then I would go back from where I began.
The master as I love you
The creator of this Universe.

Truth change into feudal lies
We change into snails
As destiny decides....

The carnal desire into salvation
The maleness into femininity
We change from man to a reptilian stupor
Crawling into the sounds of time.
We hide our souls into shells
Secure- -

Watching the waves, of the battles of sea.
The faces change among the crowd;
Humans forget mortal breath-

We change every moment
To save our secret sins
Of heart

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