Tanka Collection I Poem by Bryce Edward Coast

Tanka Collection I


Symmetric patterns
Whirling psychedelically
Gems, prisms, marvels
Bedazzling the eye-peering
Through cylindrical tube


Like helicopters
They rev their propeller wings
From lily pads, launch
Zigzagging across the pond
Hovering at intervals

Spring R: : a: : i: : n: :

Heavenly teardrops
Fall upon the thirsting ground
With percussive sound
As roots and buds soak it in
I too, with open arms, grin

My Guitar:

6 Strings,20 frets
On them I play of love, and
All of my regrets
Fingers knowing where to go
Notes like feelings, high and low

A Time Machine:

Will it e'er exist?
This invention... fantasy
Only in movies?
Will the powers-that-be let
Us change whatever we want?

April Fools Day:

Everyone gets Punk'd
On the first day of the month
Don't know who to trust
So be careful with your wit
Some people won't take that sh*t

Bunny Ears Prank:

Unbeknownst gesture
Two fingers behind my head
: -) Funny photograph
The family pic victim
I'll get them back later on

Canadian Geese:

In V-Formation
Honking through the evening sky
I watched them go by
Twas utter magnificence
Except for the feces bombs


Secret flirtation
Under surface of table
Hidden from eyesight
Their hands stayed off each other
But their feet weren't able

The Wonder Years:

Memories narrate
These once childhood avenues
Of our growing up
Where through adolescence we
Learned and changed with the seasons

Summer Night Magic:

Fireflies blinking
Crickets synched like metronome
The frogs ((ribbeting))
Under moon, full upon us
Camping out in the middle


Like monkeys they are
Trying to get a snapshot
Chasing after you
Impeding automobiles
Daring you to step on it

Stray Cat Dual:

Sounds like two babies
Wailing outside your window
Building crescendo
Throw a shoe, that'll end it
Then you can go back to bed

Bar Room Brawl

Touch a man’s woman
Fists fly, glass breaks, tables flip
A chain reaction
Setting off a “Battle Royal”
It all started with a touch

Renaissance Faire:

Costume festival
Emulating history
Be it jokers, kings,
Vikings, pirates, centaurs, elves
Performing for amusement

Easter Egg “Hiding”:

Drawers, cabinets,
Mailbox, bushes, couch, socks,
Egg cartons in fridge,
Doghouse, toy box, sandbox, vents...
{Write them down, you might forget! }

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