Taking Me To Heaven Poem by Randy McClave

Taking Me To Heaven

She told me she could take me to heaven,
But, she ended up taking me to hell,
I was looking for joy, peace and happiness,
Where we ended is where lust and sorrow did prevail.
I didn't find the paradise that I was looking for
What I found though was sadness and something else
This wasn't the serenity that I had dreamed about
And I truly wished that I was somewhere else.

I wasn't happy or comfortable where we went;
But, she seemed happy and at home and truly at ease,
She knew everyone there and everyone knew her,
All that I saw was evil and temptation and it’s disease.
I saw the devil and then quickly I felt his temptations
So, I hid myself as I did not want to be known or seen,
Souls were happy with the life that they were living
But, I could smell the lust and hate; and I wanted to be clean.

The place where we ended; it was not my heaven,
And it was never meant for the honest women and men,
I left there happily and I swear there I will never return,
As I must and want to stay away, from its evil and its sin.
She was so happy and overjoyed when we had arrived,
Never did she want to bid her heaven or her friends farewell,
I left the damned, and also her behind; and she screamed
One person’s heaven, must be another person’s hell.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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