Sun Worshippers, Too Poem by Denis Martindale

Sun Worshippers, Too

The meerkats lounged as best they could
While on guard all the time,
That Summer's breeze, it sure felt good,
That sunshine felt sublime...
The sky devoid of clouds, so blue,
A symbol so serene,
As if with nothing still to do,
No reason to look mean...

The meerkats looked at rocks and dust
And holes in which to hide,
Always the same, close things to trust,
That Nature had supplied...
Yet that same sun now overhead
Was always on the go
And though at night it always fled,
Where to, not one could know...

And so the meerkats often stared
In wonder at the sun,
For nothing else on Earth compared,
For there was only one...
It seemed to bring them warmth as well,
Though how they could not say...
Because as far as they could tell,
It looked so far away...

Denis Martindale, copyright June 2016.

A poem based on a magnificent wildlife painting
by Stephen Gayford. Google-search phrases
gayford prints and 'Stephen Gayford poetry'.

Saturday, June 25, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: animals,nature,sunshine
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