Spring Cleaning Poem by Yiling Ding

Spring Cleaning

The mess keeps piling up.
In the storage room
the number of empty boxes
keeps growing.
In the wardrobe
the number of outfits that are
too small, too big
keeps increasing.
In the corners which are
always too neglected,
the dust just keeps
building up
until I cough myself
On the kitchen counters
the food stains
are getting harder
to remove.

The mess keeps piling up.
More and more useless information
is congesting the current
of my brain nerves.
More and more memories
are weighing me down
until light innocence
is too burdened to move.

And so we clean things
and throw things
and hopefully - recycle.
Chuck out the old and moldy
the dusty, outdated
so we have more room
for the new.
But it feels like
carving out brain-bits
Particles of the past.
Erasing the evidence
for my memories
so I may doubt
that they existed.
So maybe
my past was always
if it must be

I don't like throwing things away.

Manonton Dalan 14 March 2010

spring is by the corner again please don't throw your unwanted stuff give it to needy or salvation army if you have one. your poem is very clear i could imagine what you saying.very nice. sinsie. md. come visit my poems too.

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Marilyn Lott 07 September 2007

We all have 'stuff' that needs to be sorted and tossed. And, if you don't sort then just wait until you're my age and there would be no room to move. This is another of your delightful poems! Marilyn

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