Spoken In The Synagogue. Poem by Michael Walker

Spoken In The Synagogue.

Rating: 4.5

David Seligman went through the Jewish rite of passage,
the bar mitzvah in his teens and in later yearsa rabbi.
Seligman preached from the heart in New York synagogues.
He revered Moses the lawgiver and liberator,
and Samson, the strongman and judge, who destroyed
the temple of the Philistines.

By chance, Seligman spoke to America on television
the day after President John F. Kennedy was shot in Dallas.
Rabbi Seligman was the man for the occasion that Saturday:
'President Kennedy was a man who went to every country,
fought in every battle, and had to come back home
to our own country to be shot in the back'.

27/28 February,2018.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: crime,eulogy
I could find little about Rabbi Seligman on Google and I quoted from just one book to give part of his eulogy of JFK on Saturday,23 November,1963. The book in which I found the quote was: 'JFK: The Smoking Gun', by Colin McLaren. Sure, Seligman's eulogy has hyperbole (exaggeration)around the word 'every'; but this makes it sound more poetic, and John F. Kennedy had been decorated with medals for bravery in the Pacific, when he was in the navy commanding PT 109 in the war against the Japanese. I saw the movie of this ages ago. The actor Cliff Robertson played the part of Kennedy.
Seligman hero-worshiped Kennedy, just as he did Moses and Samson. To me, hero worship is a good thing if you write poetry about high aspirations and courage. Also if you want to sound moving to the audience. I do not care for trivial poems about pets, food, or cockroaches etc. Poems that are pseudo-humorous.I look for the big picture: and sometimes I write about tragic heroes. I have always been moved by quality speeches or sermons from the heart. Many politicians and ministers of religion have this gift. The Rev. Billy Graham was a preacher and showman whom I saw in a rally in Auckland. Graham invited people from the audience to come up to the front and make a decision for Christ, which many did. Pat Robertson was another effective television evangelist.
Douglas Scotney 27 February 2018

apt. So many get shot without going out. I wonder if it was the taste of bacon that turned him in his teens?

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Michael Walker 16 February 2019

It could have been.

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