Souls In Hell Poem by Randy McClave

Souls In Hell

They say that all souls that are sent to Hell
In torment and pain they will forever dwell,
They will be tormented by the sins that they had committed
And all the evils that they had permitted.
When each of those damned souls were sinfully driven
Not once did they ask to be ever forgiven,
Not once did they feel guilt for any of their sins
Their loses, are always the Devil's wins.
Every lie that they ever spoke will return to their ears
Now they will feel the same hurt and fears,
And all the wrongdoing will come focused to their eyes
Now they will see and feel all of their committed lies.
They never apologized for any of their wrongs
So, in Hell them and their sins belongs,
The pain and the hurt that they had committed on others
Now by those acts, their soul smothers.
And from from the depths of Hell they can see the souls in Heaven above
And how those in Heaven just remember kindness and love,
But, the ones in Heaven cannot see into Hell below
Of that pain and torment they will never feel or know.
Those in Hell will remember all the stealing that they have ever done
Whether it was for excitement or profit or just for fun,
And then those tears and shame they will remember it all
And then from their guilt, they will finally bawl.
They will see and remember all the promises that they made
Then how and why they broke them and their word they betrayed,
They will remember pain and hurting was their source
And then they will finally feel the sadness, pain and the remorse.
Those suffering in Hell will be forever alone
But, they will still always hear other sinners cry and moan,
They will never ever sleep, but they will always have nightmares
And in Hell, there is no escape stairs.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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