Sometimes Poem by Floy Dy Ra Aka Floyd Floydson


Rating: 5.0

Sometimes you have to be silent too
Sometimes I want...
get to know the asshole, that develops smart phones, whose functions are to be controlled with your thumbs.
Sometimes I want...
kick the asshole in the ass, that makes spice mixtures with chips and snacks nobody can stop crunching.
Sometimes I want...
film the filmmakers, who just have shit in their heads and fill in their heads empty - while wallowing in their effusions. Sometimes I want...
Advertising on TV promise a castle in the clouds and imprison them in it, until they do not want to know anymore what they should buy now.
Sometimes I want...
to be so hateful, that next to the brown plague what the red rash looks like, that can be so immensely contagious.
Sometimes I want..
the words are weapons, which do not create wounds, but can kill all stupidity, while there is still room to laugh.
Sometimes I want...
hit Merkel their stupid sayings at her ears like that, that she immediately forgets, who she is, who she was and what she has to search for - at all.
Sometimes I want...
Write my lines on every wall and still get some money because you have nothing else left, what you can give me as compensation.
Sometimes I want...
the brown breed send to the Fast Breeder and all prejudices and their worldview apply to them, until they reach their half-life achieved.
Sometimes Facebook makers should jump just over their shadow, without being blind on the right eye and with the left eye act as moral apostle worldwide.

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© Floy Dy Ra, Nov.10,2018

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