Soldiers Letter Back Home Poem by norman hale

Soldiers Letter Back Home

Dear mom and dad
I hope you're doing well
Me, I'm a million miles away
But, I've made it past my first week of hell

So far I'm one of the lucky ones
Yesterday we was under enemy fire
Then they started rushing in
And hit one of our trip wires

I'm sorry to say though
My buddy jim is not doing so well
We don't know if he'll even make it
He was hit in the legs by enemy shells

This world is so crazy
At least in this neck of the woods
I keep trying everything, including praying
But not sure if it's doing any good

Some how this don't seem fair
Here I am hardly out of school
And there are those sitting getting rich
Playing politicians, and acting like total fools

I can't wait to get back home
And see my judy once again
I just want to surprise her
If I see her smile all will be right again

I'm prayin for jim to pull through
And prayin to see everyone soon
Give everyone my love, I'll write again
As soon as I can, under the lighted moon

Well I have to go, for now
Sarge is callin, it's breaking light
Write me back soon
I love you with all my might

I lay down this pen
Just to pick up a gun
I'll just close by saying
Love always your distant son

wrote 5/29/2009 by Norman Hale Jr.

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