Smile Poem by HannahJane Brazier


Rating: 5.0

It’s amazing what you can hide behind a smile
All the secrets that everyone will never know
Also all the pain that you keep to yourself
If you just keep smiling no one will ever guess
Because they are in a world of there own and
They will never know what’s behind your smile
And you know they will never ever guess or know
Everything that you have been put through

Everyday you want them to just understand you
But they wont and everyday you die a little inside
Soon there will nothing of you left they wont guess
So keep on smiling if you want nothing for you to change
You want them to help you and you keep reaching out
But it’s never enough and you know that’s its not
You never believe in yourself let alone anyone else
Smiles become part of your lie one you can’t stop
But you will try and try but you know there is no point
All of your past is just a little deeper than your smile
Stuff that you will never forget but still keep its effect

So fight the past and move on make your smile real
It’s going to be hard but the past cant hurt you
And if it’s the future then lets hope it will pass
Even if some things last forever but most of all don’t forget
To look behind other peoples smiles and find their past
Help them reach out and get help because you know
What’s its like to hide behind a smile.

Barbara Terry 25 June 2009

I do know what it is like to hide behind a smile. Those that know me personally know that my smile in public is just a facade hiding pain after excruciating pain. This poem says a lot, and it is so true too. A 10+++++. There are a few typos though throughout the poem. Please re-read this and correct them. Thank you. Love & hugs, Barbara

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Dana Amer 25 June 2009

Its so true, sometimes i really feel that my smile hides my pain, written in such an ammazing way!

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