Slipping Away Poem by Jon ProskeyVigil

Slipping Away

Letting go of it all;

Like waves rising only to fall.

Troubles seem to slip away;

When I lay down at the end of the day.

Sleeping softly, gently breathing;

Why I wonder, of you I’m dreaming.

Thoughts of you I haven’t thought;

But memories they seem to have brought.

Simple things softly remind me presently;

Of how I miss you constantly.

I see your face in my dream;

And feel a smile spread and gleam.

But soon this vision seems to fade;

And it feels from you I’m forbade.

I reach out to you but from you I’m gone;

Drifting backwards through the smoke I’m drawn.

I’m slipping away from you in my dream world;

Back to where I don’t have you, into reality I’m hurled.

Back to the beginning is where I’ve been deserted;

Returned to my Island of Loneliness perverted.

To be alone I now hate my sanctuary sabotaged;

Now my heart is no longer hidden and camouflaged.

All I crave is your presence and company;

To be joined for eternity, oh why wont this hurry.

My solitude to cease and have my soul’s desire;

Nothing would make my joy rise higher.

Now I see you drifting in with the tide;

I reach out to grasp your hand and hide.

But suddenly the waves wrench you back;

And you’re slipping away and again you I lack.

Jon ProskeyVigil

Jon ProskeyVigil

A galaxy far far away
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