'Silent Struggles: The Forgotten Heroes' Kin' Poem by Oluwagbemisola O. Lawal

'Silent Struggles: The Forgotten Heroes' Kin'

In Nigeria's embrace, where heroes rest,
Their valour shines, by sacrifice blessed,
But oh, the plight their families endure,
Neglected souls, their burdens obscure.

For when they marched, with duty ablaze,
Their loved ones stood, in silent haze,
Their hearts ached, as they bid farewell,
To brave souls bound by honour's spell.

With each farewell, a dream untold,
Leaving behind a future untold,
Their sacrifice immense, yet often unseen,
In the shadowed corners where neglect convenes.

Families left behind, their spirits worn,
On fifteenth day, their pain reborn,
With empty promises and words so vain,
Their struggle persists, a never-ending strain.

Oh, dear country, let our voices find,
A plea to heal the wounds left behind,
For these families, burdened and forlorn,
Deserve support, from dusk till dawn.

Let the government's gaze fall upon,
The souls bereaved, their strength withdrawn,
With compassionate hearts, let them embrace,
The families bound by sorrow's embrace.

For heroes' valour, their lives so dear,
Can't be confined to a single tear,
Let actions speak, beyond empty speech,
To mend the bonds that time can't breach.

Oh, Nigeria, let us rise as one,
To honour the fallen, their battles won,
To ensure their families find solace and care,
And let neglect be replaced by love's repair.

Together we stand, united we plea,
For justice and compassion, let it be,
That no more families are left behind,
In neglect's shadow, lost and confined.

So, dear country, awaken with grace,
Embrace the fallen heroes' sacred space,
Cater to their families, their needs provide,
Let love and support be their constant guide.

For in their sacrifice, our unity thrives,
Let's ensure their families' hope survives,
And on each fifteenth day, let's pledge anew,
To honour the fallen and their families too.

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