She Matters Poem by Denis Martindale

She Matters

Unless she matters, where's the love?
Her thoughts aren't his to bend...
In marriage, strength proves not enough,
Unless used as a friend...
When the husband chose a helpmate,
He didn't choose a slave...
He shouldn't turn from love to hate,
As if control to crave...

Unless she matters, all is lost,
Temptation leads astray
And many men must count the cost,
As if like Judgment Day...
When Lord Jesus showed compassion
To those He met on Earth,
Did Lord Jesus choose to ration
According to their worth?

If marriage is God's gift to Man
And most would say it is,
The husband must do what he can
To make that marriage bliss.
Yes, we know to God she matters,
God hears her prayers as well...
His finger now points at us,
If we've sad tales to tell...

That's why some pray with hearts of gold
Until their first love cools,
But then they bicker and they scold
Like unforgiving fools...
The wife is his and his alone,
United, they will stand,
So perfect patience can be known,
Just as the Lord has planned.

Denis Martindale, copyright, August 2011.

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