Runnaway Poem by Mishelle walker


Runaway from here.
This place called home.
Go somewhere far away,
Where the memories that this
place has given are erased.
That you don't have to deal
With the past of hurt and pain.

Runaway from Here.
This place called home.
When you are here you see flashbacks.
They are painful to watch...over playing
in your mind over and over again.
The one where he got up and smacked you
hard to the ground that was after she was
out cold from the pills.
Or the one where big brother leaves
and Mom tells her never to come back.
he says she is worthless and stupid.
You watched him, get kicked out.
Tears poured down you and his face.
Just to see mom again take those pills.

Runaway from here.
This place called home.
Its dangerous and scary.
The voices grow louder.
His words slur for he is not sober.
You can barley make out her words
of her loud sobbing.
You curl up small in your closet,
pillows over your ears
trying to tune out the fighting....but
you can't.
You can hear word for word,
feeling all the blood rush to your head.
Your throat swells like ballon
and the tears start to fall

So runaway from here.
This place called home.
try and find a way out of this misery.
Take yourself of the ground and try to be strong.
Runaway to your safe place.
The place which is not called home.

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