Rose Bouquet Poem by Denis Martindale

Rose Bouquet

Behold the precious rose bouquet,
A circle formed by love
And placed with pride and on display
That mere words aren't enough,
To share the thrill, the joy within,
The spectacle in sight,
That surely makes us smile and grin
With unrestrained delight!

Oh, lucky soul that loves the rose,
Its fragrance quite divine,
Such that the poets turn to prose
With compliments each line...
And praise the details one-by-one,
The curling petals spread,
The blossoms reaching for the sun
As to God's light they're led...

Behold the fragile nature here,
A gentle passing thing
And yet this truth stays crystal clear
And leaves us wondering...
Let roses blossom far and wide,
As many as are given,
For all good things are God-supplied
Both here on Earth and Heaven...

The rose was fashioned long ago
With colours old and new
And gardeners truly loved it so,
They did all they could do...
To think, such beauty transcends time,
In gardens young and old...
Each rose bouquet is quite sublime...
Resplendent to behold...

Denis Martindale, copyright, Easter Sunday,2012.

The poem is based on the ceramic sculpture artwork by
Suzy Cooper called Rose Bouquet, shown on this
evening here in the UK. The Shopping Channel brings us
many examples of fine art and these add to the beauty
of our homes as the years go by.

(Brompton and Cooper Musical Teacup)

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