Remember Unto The Wealthy Poem by Randy McClave

Remember Unto The Wealthy

The poor needs to be clothed and fed
The middle class wants not to be in the red,
And the Government wants to help the poor
Whereas the rich wants to have more.
The poor and the needy pay little if any taxes
Happily that is how it should be and it relaxes,
The middle class pays at least 13 percent to the IRS
And the wealthy pays 4 percent if not even less.
So, before you criticize the poor and the needy
Why not look at the wealthy and the greedy,
The middle class pays more than their fair share
And God hears them and the poor in prayer.
The middle class supports our country substantially
And they keep our economy going financially
While the rich pay almost nothing at all
Remember unto the wealthy, "Be generous", said Apostle Paul.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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