Pushing Me Down Poem by Paul Christopher Robertson

Pushing Me Down

Around here they tell you
That you can be all you want to be
But once you are sucked into their system
They will confuse you they will praise but quickly take it away
Soon you will realise they are all full of lies
Down, down they will push you as they take nearly all your money
For things you haven’t done or ever will do
All are local Mp does is desecrate are local economy
By claiming for a flat screen TV and it’s got 3D
Already taking my money that I haven’t earned yet
Because they’ve worked up a tab that I have to pay
As they’ve gone away to watch all there favourite shows on DVD
All day long early retirement for them but raise the age for me
Send me to school at the age of 4 and now you can’t leave till your 18
I can’t get a job because there isn’t any left
And it’s my fault for being born too late
Just keep pushing me down
I’m not old enough to drive
But I can sign my life away to the army at the age 16
Possibly dead by the age of18
I’m not mature enough to choose that government I’m going to work for
But I can shoot a gun and kill a man for King and country
Just keep pushing me down
My Dad is working day and night
While some rich Mp is home by three
They just keep pushing us down
Walking down the street wearing a old jeans
And a tatty pair Nike trainers
And coming the other way some guy
Wearing a three peace Armani suit
He don’t look at me in fact he spits at me
He don’t want to be seen walking past me
His only smarter than me because he could afford private school
I doubt his on the NHS properly gone private
Just keep pushing me down
I’m living in a world that don't won’t me
They expect me to work for practically free after they’ve taken their cut
I’m going to break my back to feed my family
While less than a mile away someone will have a mansion
And house maid
All their furniture well be paid for no mortgage no bank loan
They will be happy sipping tea they will even have a room free
And I’ll be working till the day I die and still wouldn’t have padded off What I owe just to own a home
Still they keep pushing me down

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