Popularity Of Poets! Poem by Ramesh T A

Popularity Of Poets!

Names of poets getting published in newspapers, magazines and websites
Make them popular with world readers of poetry and general public ever;
Media there on harp on the same note sans any change either to introduce
Or write about the works of new poets flourishing in the field of poetry!

Reviews and week end articles on poetic works and poets come only about
The already known ones to the public whether they like them or not ever;
This kind of repetition on same poets and their books blackout the new
And better poets from being becoming popular among the poetry lovers...!

Media should be aware of the really best ones in any field of work and
Should not hesitate to expose such deserving ones to the public for all
To get a chance to graze on new green pasture for enriching the minds
With new and fresh ideas uplifting all with inspiration needed much!

The popular and long standing taboloid media shouldn't be always on safer
Pasture only and grind the same gist again and again in a matter of fact
Way, but clear the ground for new and young bloods to show their skills
For the healthy development of all sections of departments of enterprises!

Rajnish Manga 14 June 2017

Dear Poet, through this lovely poem, you have done well to focus attention on the neglect of new poets and writers, many of them very talented, by the print media as a matter of practice. Thanks. but clear the ground for new and young bloods to show their skills

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Ramesh T A 14 June 2017

Thank you for reading this piece and your appreciation supports the cause very well!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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