Poem Of The Strong! Poem by Denis Martindale

Poem Of The Strong!

Young Samson had his strength because his faith was in the Lord,
Yet there were times when he got cross and judgments then outpoured.
When fury overtakes the wise, or folly guides their path,
They do what's right in their own eyes, and that's their epitaph.
But there's another kind of strength, and that's called character,
To walk the extra mile at length, though bad things still occur.
That's why I'm proud of Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth,
When on His Cross was sacrificed, until the point of death.

And yet Christ prayed before He died, They know not what they do,
Before His Mother who still cried, and with John weeping, too.
For such as these, and all Mankind, Christ's strength endured it all,
And to His death, Christ was resigned for this great miracle.
Salvation through the Blood He shed, Salvation through His death,
Salvation, that's what laid ahead, stored in His final breath.
So we've got freedom, strength to love, helped by the Holy Ghost,
The Son of Man had strength to serve because He loved us most!

Denis Martindale. August 2022.

The Gospel poem got shared on Revelation TV's
show Everyday Living on the 4th of August 2022
about several freedom issues we must resolve.

Poem Of The Strong!
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