'Peace' Is All I Wish: ') Poem by SAIMA ANJUM

'Peace' Is All I Wish: ')

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A teen with sparkled eyes,
Patched clothes and thousand silent cries.
I saw him in my dreams last night,
He was begging with heart in fright.
He opened his mouth to speak,
But tears fell before words, so much freak.
He begged for his India's peace,
which was seized by the devils in ease.
He was killed just because of loyalty,
Those devils are the last nail in the coffins of our country.
His watery eyes said almost of his tragedy,
the pain caused to him and to the society.
The blood shed off the streets and roads,
the tears of his aged mother, spoke
thousands of unsounder words,
about those cowardice swords.
I was so shattered and speechless,
I could do nothing but pray for his nest.
'I no more belong to this world',
were his last words.
Then he disappeared in white dense fumes,
away from the beautiful dunes.
At last, I would say,
He was none other than 'Shaheed Hafiz Junaid'.
The boy killed for no reason,
tears were shed upon during the festive season.
We can do nothing but just pray,
Pray much for Junaid but more to bring PEACE over this earth.

(May the peace be upon the lives) Amen! !

Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: murder
Aamir 11 December 2017

Each word are like mercy droplets

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Dr Antony Theodore 17 July 2017

Patched clothes and thousand silent cries. He was begging with heart in fright. tears fell before words hose devils are the last nail in the coffins of our country. blood shed, shattered and speechless, disappeared in white dense fumes, These are the points which i collected from your poem after reading it carefully.. Thank you very much for this poem. It shows the brilliance of your mind and intellect. Thank you. An apparition speaks to you about the tears, sadness, ernest desire and prayer for peace. You have conveyed very well your theme. It remains in the heart oft he reader and we cry along with you.. thank you dear poet. tony

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