Ode To Those With A Heart Unbounded Poem by Nyx C Styx

Ode To Those With A Heart Unbounded

He asked me if I loved him

'do you love me? ' he uttered, each syllable barely reverberating off the tip of his tongue

How do I respond with a heart unbound?
'yes I love you'...do I confess?

Yes I love him and I also love the stranger who offered me his seat on a bus three quarters empty

I got off the bus and an old black woman complemented how I carried my self with such ease through the crowds..effortless beauty she called me, and thanked me for proving that a beauty of soul was by no means correlated to beauty of attire. I love her too

I love James in my fourth grade class, whom in between school detention and suspensions had the secret talent of singing carols with me at recess. If only the teachers knew, would they love him as I did?

I love Ms. Janet, she was eighty years old and never retired. Her evening involved dressing as a Hula girl while walking her pet Chihuahua, I vowed I would be like her some day.

I love the owl cushioned in the bark of a white bark pine during my kindergarten recess. Its call, no sound to me was ever more magical.

I love the small mouth bass I caught at Goose Bay Park on my first and last fishing trip.

i loved his laugh and her dress and the color of its feathers and the rage of its waters and he...he would demand of me to love him and that I do, but he was neither the first nor will he be the last that this heart unbounded will claim.

Nyx C Styx

Nyx C Styx

A Citizen of the World
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