Ode To The Moon Poem by Leonard Dabydeen

Ode To The Moon

I come here every evening this past week
to sit on this wooden bench, as if invited
to keep watch on the moon . I do not seek
for a moment to look at the fleet of united,
grey clouds saunter aimlessly in the path of light;
nothing keeps my patience from falling off a cliff
in the terrains of my mind. I only care for the moon
to show its emboldened face within my sight.
Here is where I go into a sweet and enduring tiff
to make peace with myself, acting like a buffoon.

Yesterday, I brought Angel with me to watch the moon.
I wanted to introduce her as a friend of a friend,
knowing that if I returned to my tattered cabin, soon
I’d have to talk to myself; or it may be the end.
But my mind sifted through every layer of absence
that I created in the rule of engagement; then I waited
to see if the moon would greet us like it did before,
when it shone its light over the ocean to welcome our presence.
Angel was so delighted, I felt her happiness was unabated;
and I, being so excited, couldn’t ask for anything more.

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