Ode To Hades Poem by Leanne Aldigme

Ode To Hades

You are my Zeus
I am your Hera.
I have loved you forever
But you loved another.

You own the light,
But choose to chase the night.
Mysterious, illicit, immoral,
Left the pearl to look for the coral.

I wept like Demeter
And chose to be blind like Oedipus.
Yet for you, I am not enough, nor better,
Even if my love burns me, like Icarus.

I may not have Aphrodite's allure,
Or possess Athena's valor.
But I have Hestia's hearth
That is waiting for your return.

I waited and waited.
Odysseus had reunited with his wife,
Aeneas' destiny concluded,
Still, you did not return.
My heart is in chaos
That even the songs of Apollo cannot appease,
The waiting is making me anxious,
That even the god of time cannot freeze.

I am tired of our widening abyss,
A chasm caused by your ladies.
Love, honesty, and loyalty is my bliss,
Traits I only see in dear Hades.

Hades is dark.
Mysterious, evil, and stark.
He punishes the dead with glee,
But he is the one you can never be.

He is steadfast and loyal.
Faithful to his Persephone.
Never once look for another,
and loved her like no other.

Someday my own Hades will find me.
And from the labyrinth of your love, I will be free.
My Hades will love me forever long,
I will be his Persephone that he'll love so strong.

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