Not A Doomsday But A Boons-Day Poem by Bashyam Narayanan

Not A Doomsday But A Boons-Day

Mayan Prophecy – The doomsday

I do not know
How many of you watched
And came across
Programs and
TV clippings on the above

Mayan prophecy
Indicates that
21st (some say 23rd) December 2012
Will be the day
For the beginning of a new era

And it means
The present era will end
All pertaining to that will perish
I, you, everyone and everything around
Will not be there
After that fateful date in December 2012
If the above prophecy is true

How do you plan your departure?
I have some suggestions

Let us all resolve that
We will extend love
To everyone and everything around

We will put aside all
Much extended future plans
And focus only on living happily
These remaining days
With whatever we have
And whatever we can earn

We will be healthy throughout
Till the time the
Vital blow of doomsday hit us

We will not grudge or complain
We will remain honest and sincere
And not nurse any ulterior motives
In any thing we choose to do

We will garner all our
Strengths and potentials
Direct them to achieve
Common good

We will not harm anyone
Nor think in terms of hurting any

“No need to be smart any longer
As we all are soon to be smarted by nature”
Should be our understanding
And guiding value
In all our actions and deeds

If we could do all that
The day will not really be
A doomsday
But a boons-day
As we would have understood by then
Our worth and purpose

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