Nights Mark–the Morning Dew Poem by Cherelie Bonsadan

Nights Mark–the Morning Dew

How could time reveal,
the things deep inside within me, a rebel
a rebel to my own self,
a stranger to my own private world

Never know how to crash this unbeatable foe
Never know how to cut this hounds of tough stones
How, can I teach myself to believe this debatable situation?

They gagged me so I can’t move!
How I wish I’m not bound,
So I could summon the fireflies to take me by,
Drowse a little beneath the crescent moon at its twilight

Peep into the worlds dim nature,
To see the stunning shine
glowing inside the rose that blooms
seek a person’s love behind unreachable era

far from an anonymous end of an endless horizon
I can’t absorb neither can I comprehend
But whatever a medley of colors a rainbow might have
I’ll try to shut this ceaseless minds commotion.

Alas! Rebellious indeed was this heart of mine!
Ignoring all along the rose that shine
Refuting not to pick
Though inside thy heart I know it’s still the one.

I see it outstand from many others
Simple and yet characteristically beautiful
Its fragrance never leaving the dainty breeze
Like the night sure to leave a mark-the morning dews.

(August 9, 2011/by: Cheng)

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