My Love Is Sixty-Five (A B-Day Miracle) Poem by Floy Dy Ra Aka Floyd Floydson

My Love Is Sixty-Five (A B-Day Miracle)

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Transferred to itself
the ruling power
an independent way
on celebration hour.

A champion in cricket
and corruption - at poverty line
going to be a Super Power
but 40 % live below and become sour.

You mastered the business of education
concerning news in entertainment celebration
remember the hopes were really high
by learning independence on your b-day with all your try.

Have you done your second step
woke up and starting a movement
against corruption and supporting the fight
even on Facebook at our sight?

Have you learn my love, to be equal
with integration, languages and people
what about caste system, poverty, illiteracy
rise of the rich to richer and democracy?

My love, have you killed the fundamental rights
due to the monopoly of the capitalists bites
Are you continual to discriminate
between the different castes - let the poor wait and dynamite?

Are you allowing your masters to rule you at will
are there ignorant ones killing the rights to equality still
males over females, children compelled
to work in factories, restaurants or mills?

What about the 'Right of Exploitation'
or working like in a 'Reservation'
or as domestic servants
with no reputation?

And to make matters worse - what about hospitals
and getting a nurse
but the time has come now to think
out of the box creating a new link.

What have you learn my dear old love
praying for years to God who´s above
based on an ancient caste and creed system
you really need the youngest and best of their wisdom.

Based on ethnicity, community and education employment
we like to celebrate with you a new enjoyment
let the poor be helped - the needy provided
creating more value of the taxes paid and delighted.

Learn to make most of what you love
so I´ll love you more and enjoy your rising above
fundamental rights are not for complain
I wish you a Happy Birthday India - and next year the same!

(c) Floyd Floydson,08/15/2012
inspired by Priyankan Goswami(Bharat Janani) 'What India did not learn in 65 years...'

65 years of Independence in India
Allemagne Roßmann 27 September 2012

A very inspiring write hereby

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Ekaterina M. Polischuk 26 August 2012

very nice poem! I like India too, due to its soul and philosophy))) . the poem is very light))))

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