My Dreams Poem by Dave Dafes

My Dreams

Rating: 4.5

We laid together skin to skin entwined in fierce passion.
Heart to heart, head to head, eye to eye in ecstatic dight.
Our lips lock’d In a wet kiss, my will to her cession.
Driven to yonder height,
Serenaded by the chords and notes of the serene night.
Bask’d in the envious stare of the starry stars,
The passion that quicken my heart to beat;
Salve my mind to behold the wondrous morrow.
Passion in my veins a liquid fire flows. Her heat,
Health to my marrow.
Passion the poverty of words desist to express.
True passion like a strong brew, intense as the furies of hell
Passion many waters divorced to ease nor time repress.
It never fades or wanes. True passion that purges my evr’y cell,
Sprout'd a new life when in death me she did braced.
Passion that bud an endless
Blossom of Joy, filled me with precious memories.
You’re my Passion.
My truest companion.
The sweetest pleasure my soul embraced
You’re my passion…My Beloved Dreams.
In my hearts dairies,
I hold you dear.

Chris Amalu 16 October 2010

romeo needs to act out your script.beautiful.

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Minnie Gehrig 13 September 2010

passionate indeed well written!

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Dave Dafes

Dave Dafes

Ughelli, Delta State Nigeria
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