My Choice! Poem by Jasmine Wayne

My Choice!

What in this world shall become of me
Life floats past in this treacherous sea
Good must come if we speak no lies
Please listen close just hear the cries
Return at once it booms down on me
Angered I beg why can't we be free
Dare not to speak your sorrowed song
Lies won't hide for you're always wrong
Please understand it is so more than lust
Question more and your punishment just
Head down low why must I give in
My heart aches for my upcoming sin
Now upon the blue gems I start to cry
Help me my dear for you are the why
My heart fights strong by I only obey
Just as you we have been taken of our say
Should they say you shall never leave
Life will just wait for a chance to breathe
Like a pool of oil I can not escape
Silenced with words my verbal rape
A light from afar it guides my way
Realization sets in I must have my say
This is but my one life only I shall pick
Letting you chose has but made me sick
Say what you wish but true love I feel
If apart we stay then I eat my last meal
As this feeling within offered the way
This life is mine and no other will say
Once more I shall try to offer my love
Whatever the choice she's always my dove

MuSiC HeaD 17 August 2009

you're amazing.. i hope she knows how much she means to you.. and i hope you mean the same to her. this poem is brilliant. you convey such emotion through your words.. i feel it almost too well! but thank you so much for sharing. im gonna read more now... lol

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Darlene Belcher 04 August 2009

aww..... i love it!

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