My Book Poem by Randy McClave

My Book

I want people to one day look and look
And not to be able to find my book,
Not in any library or in any bookstore
I hope it's not found anywhere on this shore.
When my book is known and also heard
I hope it's next to, "To Kill A Mockingbird ",
And then when they think of Harper Lee
I hope I'm included….. "Randy".
I hope my book will be remembered with "Catcher In The Rye"
The true classic that made me cry,
Written by the great J.D Salinger
I hope to be remembered as a great challenger.
More books I want mine to be remembered with
God truly knows this is a fact and not a myth,
More authors I want my name to stand beside
And my words and books never to hide.
The classic "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
A story written about a boy and his sin,
Written by the great Mark Twain
Which I have read again and again.
Then there is the book, "Slaughterhouse-Five"
About world war 2 and the reason to be alive,
A great book that's written and read uncut
Written by the great author Kurt Vonnegut.
Then theirs, "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest"
One book I had possessed,
Then there is, "Lord Of The Flies", and "Animal Farm"
And when I read them I was moved and I did no harm.
Then there's, "The Scarlet Letter" and "Fahrenheit 451"
The list I could write and read on and on,
With them I wish my book as well would make a stand
I wish my book with them, would as well be banned.
One day too the Bible might be banned as well
Then no one will know how to avert Hell,
So, if truth you truly want and truly seek
You can't! because most likely that book was banned this week.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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