More Poem by Kandayia Ali


Tingles up and down my spine- pain unbearable like the needle point pinch of a spinal tap, you tapped into my mind- mentally causing a relapse of time- a halt in space- that sorta' took place...


Wondering what my move next should be... Should I say to thee: 'It's strange how things came to be. Me not thinking I'd run into you, and it's crazy how you ran into me. How you just shared a little of your world verbally and swept me up- with your words, lyrically; uplifting something in me that needed to be free! '

The pain I feel isn't to cry for- it's to die for- the pain of what's crying inside to be let out- and sometimes to hear and feel someone else's thoughts and emotions- is what freeing yourself is all about. Saying things I want to hear- longed to hear- and things I hold so dear; I thought no one else knew- but then I came across you...

Damn, now what am I going to do? An impact has been made- my thoughts have been delayed- you even made my legs sway- just from what you had to say. I didn't expect it to take effect in that way... Don't mean to disrespect- but hey: 'I'm being honest- trying to allow myself to keep cool, all at the same time; I don't want to seem like a fool. Honestly, I found comfort- I found peace- in every word released- from our conversed masterpiece. I felt like you knew and was talking to me- calling me- seeing through me- making the shoe fit like in the fairy tales.'

Inside I can hear my heart pound, while my body sensually yelled! You touched me- mentally- and I felt your energy physically- as I closed my eyes- and lifted my head to the sky. I could see the clouds coast by as the Angels from the heavens cried- giving us a reason to cherish every moment spent; every word shared- for this situation- I wasn't prepared. I wasn't ready- it's sorta heavy- I'm light as a feather blowing in windy weather.

I had to share this with you, hoping that you felt it too- and then it won't seem ironic- this connection- this new found drug- your vocals produced a powerful tonic! Inviting me in, allowing to explore your world- your sensual nature- and for crossing paths with you- I thank the creator. I hope you get this letter, this poem; this chapter of my life that was shared with you: 'You made me look in a different direction and I thank you for teaching me a lesson; ween if you didn't mean to come at me in that way- I want to say you're presence is a definite blessing...

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