Decisions... Poem by Kandayia Ali


Narrow were the choices I have been given. They have me driven to make the decisions that I have made in my life. Whether to succeed or fail,
fall under or prevail, they are my choices... No one else hears these silent voices. Silent prayers of the heart, asking for the strength to take part in the activities that make a person an authentic work of art; I'm NOT a carbon copy; something put together so sloppy
that no one wants to be near you.

You must think and be positive, with a desire to live like the true blessing from the almighty you are and certainly be far from what the average eye can see. You have a powerful journey- taking on the rough rapids and being what he has designed you to be. For YOU ARE an image of his love and your one true destiny is to shine above all so that others can see, the masterpiece that which we all can someday be.

So the choices made in my life will reflect a mirror image of the way it is meant to be. Me giving my all to you, and you sharing your good karma with me. Because that is what we are made for, to learn and teach, to illuminate the darkness with a path which will guide even those who have been blind all their lives; the rays from us will be filled with warmth and love as well- so if you cant see you still can FEEL and FIND, what you are placed here to do, the choices that come about for you to make in your life- are ALL up to you. Never doubt yourself- and what you're 'saying' inside- listen to those voices, they maybe the ones to pull you through.

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